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Charmed forever

That's what Faiz thinks of his recently reinstated blog. At the age of 23, he believes that writing is the most efficient way to express the feelings crammed inside one's heart. After the fall of his blog dominion recently, he stoutly gets up on his feet, casting a powerful spell onto his blog and here it is, a charmed blog, reincarnated from the past, brought to the present and forever lasts in the future.

Being a final year medical student himself, he can never deny the frenzied life he's currently living on but life goes on and that's it. Apart from his hectic life, he always finds the time to go on with his hobbies, netsurfing and chatting being the most prominent ones. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends, for he knows that no one can tear the beautiful friendship apart.

He can always be contacted via email or thru his new mobile number +962776052892

p/s: only 8 most recent posts are displayed at a time but you can easily view his previous posts by clicking on the links in Faiz's Library column below


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May 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007


Monday, October 24, 2005

Another typical day

Today was uneventful, nothing much had happened, except for another typical boring day in KAUH. Harini sahur makan kuih jek, tak sempat nak masak (sebenarnye telur dah abis kat dapur, lupe nak beli), pas sahur tido balik, terjaga lewat (kol 7.35 am) sedangkan rounds mula kol 8.00. Tergesa-gesa mandi air sejuk (heater rosak plak tetibe haha), trasa macam terkena frost bite lak tulang temulang aku hehe.

Sampai hospital kol 8.45 am, tawakkal je la tak ambik history, nasib baik doc memang tak tanya history kat aku, kalo tak ntahla, tak tau nak jawab ape hehe. Rounds abis cepat dlm kol 11.15 am, tunggu lecture kol 12.30 pm. Lecture arie ni pasal multiple gestation. Tak elok la rupenye kalo sorang pregnant woman tu didiagnose anak kembar dua/tiga/etc sbb dia mempunyai risiko tinggi utk abort, congenital anomalies kat anak dia, vulnerable utk dapat other diseases of pregnancy (eclampsia etc) dll lagik.

Hari ni berbuka makan lauk semalam jek (rumah 3 orang je tapi sekali masak sekor ayam, jadi byk lebih). Arinie rasa mengantuk aku luarbiasa, terus tdo lepas tarawih dan ni baru terbangun. Alang-alang dah terjaga, terus tdo lepas sahur la kot. *mrasalah chat ngan khalikok yg setiap malam online

p/s: taken from faez's front room window

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apartment dpn umah aku sunyi sepi sbb skarang dah kol 1.30 am (bilik abg rahhim masih menyala & lampu lip lap aizat sempena raya dah tutup plak). Kat bangunan ni ramai orang Malaysia duduk, ada 5 rumah, jadi senang tinjau dari tingkat aku ape yg diorang buat hehe)

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sunyi jugak

| baez-kun at 1:11 AM

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