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Charmed forever

That's what Faiz thinks of his recently reinstated blog. At the age of 23, he believes that writing is the most efficient way to express the feelings crammed inside one's heart. After the fall of his blog dominion recently, he stoutly gets up on his feet, casting a powerful spell onto his blog and here it is, a charmed blog, reincarnated from the past, brought to the present and forever lasts in the future.

Being a final year medical student himself, he can never deny the frenzied life he's currently living on but life goes on and that's it. Apart from his hectic life, he always finds the time to go on with his hobbies, netsurfing and chatting being the most prominent ones. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends, for he knows that no one can tear the beautiful friendship apart.

He can always be contacted via email or thru his new mobile number +962776052892

p/s: only 8 most recent posts are displayed at a time but you can easily view his previous posts by clicking on the links in Faiz's Library column below


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May 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Majlis berbuka di JUST

Hari ni ada jemputan berbuka kat JUST, semua pelajar asing (bukan Jordan) dijemput dan ditaja oleh Presiden JUST ni. Ada banyak bangsa macam Arab Saudi, Mauritania, Syria, Lebanon, Mesir dan macam2 lagi la. Kira memang meriah, penuh dewan makan tadi dengan masing-masing pakai baju kebangsaan masing-masing (kitorang pakai baju biasa je).

Semua budak Malaysia dijemput tapi tak semua pun pergi, ada yang busy nak exam la, ada yang itu ada yang ini, jadi dlm lebih kurang separuh je yang pergi. Bertolak guna bus JUST sendiri yang disediakan kat bus station, bertolak dalam pukul 4.00 pm sampai JUST dalam pukul 4.30pm (lagi stengah jam nak berbuka). Terus meluru masuk dalam dewan makan cari tempat yang sesuai, duduk beramai2 budak2 Malaysia je .

Antara menu hari ni termasukla khubuz dan hommous (roti arab dan tempat nak cecah dia diperbuat dr kacang kuda yang dikisar dan diproses camane ntah) ni utk appetizer rasanye. Main menu dia adalah nasi maghlubah (dimasak dgn ayam), berlaukkan daging bakar dan ayam masak rempah teknik steak plus side dishes cam salad etc. Minuman yang disediakan termasukla air tamar hindi (asam jawa) 100% asli (macam ye je asli tp tertulis kat bekas dia asli), pastu air gas ngan air kosong. Memula mmg cam tamak rasa tak cukup je sepinggan, tapi bile dah makan, kenyang sangat plaks, tu la ikut nafsu makan mrasalah binasa! Utk dessert, disediakan kuih (ada 3 jenis). Aku habis je makan, best, tapi orang lain yg dah kenyang tu rugila ko haha..

Aturcara dia - ade ucapan dari wakil univ, ada dari wakil pelajar, ada persembahan sajak, kuiz la dll (tak participate pon hehe). Abis makan meluru ke musolla utk solat maghrib kat JUST then terus balik ke rumah. Sampai2 rumah dah mula tarawih, jadi terus meluru buat kali ketiga bagi entry kali ni. Konklusi dia memang best makanan dia, jadi kalau tahun depan ada lagi, nak pergi lagi hehe..

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mrasalah baca kupon jemputan dalam bahasa arab

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bergambar sblm masuk dlm dewan makan

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muka aku terlindung dek sepe'i

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best sangat nasik ni, rase cam nak makan stiap ari plak (daging tu daging kambing hehe sbb ada je orang yang tak makan daging kambing)

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dessert yang memikat sanubari..memang best giler

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on the way balik dari solat, gelap dan sunyi

| baez-kun at 11:09 PM

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