That's what Faiz thinks of his recently reinstated blog. At the age of 23, he believes that writing is the most efficient way to express the feelings crammed inside one's heart. After the fall of his blog dominion recently, he stoutly gets up on his feet, casting a powerful spell onto his blog and here it is, a charmed blog, reincarnated from the past, brought to the present and forever lasts in the future.
Being a final year medical student himself, he can never deny the frenzied life he's currently living on but life goes on and that's it. Apart from his hectic life, he always finds the time to go on with his hobbies, netsurfing and chatting being the most prominent ones. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends, for he knows that no one can tear the beautiful friendship apart.
He can always be contacted via email or thru his new mobile number +962776052892
p/s: only 8 most recent posts are displayed at a time but you can easily view his previous posts by clicking on the links in Faiz's Library column below
A tiring day in KAUH (King Abdullah University Hospital)
Salam and greetings to thee
Hari ni hari Khamis, sebut je hari Khamis mesti aku suke sangat, senyum sepanjang hari, naper? Sebab hari terakhir pegi rounds utk minggu tuh. Macam hari ni la :) Pastu Jumaat & Sabtu cuti! Sejak masuk clinical rounds ni, memang hujung minggula yang ditunggu-tunggu, nak berehat puas-puas :)
Minggu ni utk group aku, rotation ditetapkan kat KAUH, King Abdullah University Hospital, jadi kene berulang alik 45 min pergi dan 45 min balik setiap hari, agak memenatkan. Pagi ni cuace sejuk, mungkin sebab hujan yang turun malam tadi. Pakai 2 helai baju jek (sebab sblm ni panas), ape lagi, menggeletar la dalam perjalanan tu.
It takes time nak sampai ke KAUH, jadi kol 6.45 am aku dah bergerak dari rumah ambik Hijazi bus yang memang pergi ke KAUH, sampai pukul 7.45 am. Awal lagi, malas nak pegi ambik patient's history sorang2 jadi aku tunggu budak lain group aku. Aku ambik history dgn Cindy (seorang lelaki tapi name dia Ahmad Sindi - Saudi Arabia) dan Ahmad Bab(Mauritania). Malas nak ambik sorang-sorang, ramai2 cepat sket, dan takdela tertinggal point2 penting.
Hari ni ambik history tentang post total abdominal hysterectomy kat sorang patient, 49 yr-old, Para10+1 bermaksud ada sepuluh anak dan pernah mengalami abortion sekali. Sbb dia masuk ialah menorrhagia for months. Docs dah buat biopsy etc dan lastly die kene buang the whole uterus (hysterectomy) sbb aku rasa dia ada endometrial CA, moga cepat disembuhkan!
Rounds hari ni dgn Dr Laila, dah nasib aku, hari ni asik aku je yang kene tanya daripada history, diagnosis, assessment, management sampaila ke topik2 lain termasukla Rh iso immunization. Yang tak dapat jawab aku geleng kepala je cakap tak tahu hehe.. Abis rounds pukul 1130pm, solat Zohor pastu terus gi lecture (mula kol 1230pm) kat Blue Hall (sebab kerusi dia biru kot, ntahla). Dr Basim bagi lecture pasal ovarian tumors. Terlelap2 aku sebab penat plus malam tadi tdo 3 jam jek, nasib baik lampu malap, jadi Doc tak perasan :P
Penat tak kisah pun, asalkan besok cuti!!! Boleh rehat puas2.
Kat bawah ni ada gambar-gambar yang aku ambik pakai hset (jadi resolusi dia rendah dan tak cantik sgt)
masa nak masuk labour room
outpatient department (El-Eiyaadah) of KAUH
surau ada kat basement floor, tak penah explore pun bahagian nie
betapa lengangnye dunia.. takde orang lak masa ni
ni la blue hall, see those blue seats hehe, dengan lampu malapnye menyebabkan aku terlena seketika & masa ni takde orang lagi sbb aku awal giler sampai