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Charmed forever

That's what Faiz thinks of his recently reinstated blog. At the age of 23, he believes that writing is the most efficient way to express the feelings crammed inside one's heart. After the fall of his blog dominion recently, he stoutly gets up on his feet, casting a powerful spell onto his blog and here it is, a charmed blog, reincarnated from the past, brought to the present and forever lasts in the future.

Being a final year medical student himself, he can never deny the frenzied life he's currently living on but life goes on and that's it. Apart from his hectic life, he always finds the time to go on with his hobbies, netsurfing and chatting being the most prominent ones. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends, for he knows that no one can tear the beautiful friendship apart.

He can always be contacted via email or thru his new mobile number +962776052892

p/s: only 8 most recent posts are displayed at a time but you can easily view his previous posts by clicking on the links in Faiz's Library column below


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May 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007


Sunday, April 30, 2006

Masa Yang Lama Tiada Updatenya (terjemah daripada long time no update boley?)

Salam and greetings (selamat sejahtera dan griting)

Lamenye tak update akhir2 ni, been busy (sibuk) dengan pelbagai perkara ok. Malahan sekarang masih dalam mood (moda) menulis dalam BM sebab mencintai bahasa Melayu boley? Ape2 pon, mari aku memberi konklusi terhadap seminggu lalu ok~~

1) Orthopaedic Rotation (Pusingan Tulang Temulang)

Erm sekarang ni dah masuk pusingan tulang temulang semejak seminggu lalu. Penat gak la sebab jadual dia agak penuh gak. Begini jadualnye :

8am - 9am : Morning Report (Reportasi Dinihari)
9am - 10am : Seminar 1
10am - 11am : Bedside Daily Teaching (Pembelajaran Sisi Katilan)
11am - 12pm : Seminar 2
1pm - 2pm : Merehatkan diri
2pm - 3pm : Perbincangan Kes-kes
3pm - 4pm : History dan Physical Exam (Sejarah dan Pemeriksaan Fizikal)

Maka giliran aku membentang seminar jatuh pada hari Rabu depan (sehari sblm exam) bertajuk Lutut (knee) dan segala anatomi, fisiologi, patologi, farmacologi dan apa2 sahaja berkaitan dengan lutut. Bahkan terasa sangat malas. Tapi ape yang utama adalah pusingan tulang temulang ni memang sangat susah sebab tak taula, sejak dulu mmg tak suka tulang, sendi2 dan juga ligamen2nya dll. Maka aku terpaksa menabahkan diri demi nusa bangsa dan negara

2) Debat Ala Parlimen Piala Presiden PERMAI

Kesyukuran dipanjatkan ke hadrat Yang Esa karena dengan ijinNya jua, pasukan kami berjaya merangkul Piala Presiden PERMAI kali ini setelah menewaskan Pasukan Acap Hazim dan Munir yang memberikan tentangan yang sangat hebat sekali. Tetapi nasib menyebelahi diri. Dengan tajuk "Internet di kalangan remaja ibarat cocacola menghilangkan dahaga", pertandingan dilangsungkan di dalam dewan Al-Farabee Universitas Yarmouk dan disaksikan oleh warga Irbid. Tepukan hadirin dan sokongan hadirin nyata menyebelahi kumpulan acap hazim dan munir, namun kami tidak gentar sama sekali. Dan lebih menggembirakan, Aizat Amiruddin, Perdana Menteri kumpulan kami berjaya merangkul piala Pendebat Pilihan (penonton) dan Pendebat terbaik. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan, beliau adalah pendebat taraf kebangsaan, dan tiada siapa yang mampu menewaskannya. Tahniah ~~ Keputusan diumumkan semasa hari keluarga PERMAI keesokan harinya. Malam tadi kebanyakan peserta debat makan bersama2 di popeye dan membincangkan kelemahan masing2. Menang dan kalah tak penting, tapi semangat juang itu yang lebih utama.

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piala pusingan katanya maka perlu pulangkan setahun lagi hohoyeah

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dipotong dari gambar bergerak (video) maka kualitinya kurang (thanks to amirah azizah)~~ yeah ku julang julang

3) Hari Famili PERMAI

Hari ini merupakan hari yang menyeronokkan karena kesemua warga PERMAI berkumpul. Dibahagikan kepada 4 kumpulan, kesemua ahli PERMAI menyertai pelbagai pertandingan yang diadakan dan dimulakan dengan perbarisan masuk ke gelanggang. Disebabkan keadaan tak mengijinkan maka aku tak dapat menyertainya, tetapi tetap datang waktu tengahari dan telah ditohmah oleh orang ramai kerana bersikap kera sumbang tak menyertai. malahan sila sedar, bukan ku pinta itu yang terjadi, tetapi masa yang menjadi saksi.

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pasukan rambutan gading sebab warna kuning katanya chudnaya kartina mereya radna (sajak ukraine)

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kumpulan telaga biru katanya hohoyeah (aku kumpulan hijau)

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ini adalah mando (tengah) hazim (baju merah ) dan adek ijat (baju biru) di mana gambar seblm2 ni dia yang berikan padaku

Ada update dlm sehari lebih lagi, entry yang sangat special berkenaan blog aku. Nantikan~~. Tu saja kot. Maka izinkan aku untuk mengundur diri. Jumpa lagi di tika masa menjelma. Kalau ada kesempatan, pasti akan aku melompat2 ke blog2 kamu (bloghopping) tanda ukhwah abadi, memandangkan peperiksaan akhir berada di bucu korner sahaja (around the corner).

Salam jauh tetapi mesra selamanya,
hata di Irbid

| baez-kun at 4:19 PM

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa

Bagi menghormati minggu Bahasa Melayu, aku akan tulis entry dalam bahasa Melayu ok selama seminggu bermula hari ni. Malahan tidak lain tidak juga adalah untuk mengasah bahasa demi hari keluarga PERMAI minggu depan..

BTW, arie tadi exam Anesthesia, dan aku jadi orang last yang diexamine oleh doc ok, saje pilih orang last sebab tak sempat habes baca. Malahan malam tadi set loceng dengar deringan maximun. Nak tido sejam katanya sekali tengok2 dah kol 330am ok. Jam loceng dah tercabut plak dia punye compartment amende ntah.. maka aku terus pasrah dan terus chat ngan khalikok yang tak tido lagi. Taktau nape.

Apa2 pun exam anesthesia pagi tadi best~~ ok sajer.. meskipon aku mengalami palpitation juga tachycardia lantaran daripada ketakutan nak amek exam, namun aku pasrah. Budak2 len yang kuar exam tu (oral sajor hari nie) kata ok kot, biaser la soalan ada range dia, ada senang, pertengahan dan susah. Maka jadi orang last memang best sebab doc macam dah penat (dah kol 1230pm ok) dan terus takde la soal susah2 pon. Best best best haha..

Ahad ni mula cycle baru, orthopaedic.. Alamak, cycle ni "malignant" katanya. Salah satu daripada cycles yang padat + banyak mende nak baca. Terus rasa tak bersemangat. Dah la aku memang lemah bab2 joints and bones ni semenjak general anat dulu sampai la sekarang huhu.. tak minat katanya..

Apa2 pon aku mengharapkan agar semangat aku tak mudah luntur. Pastu berazam gak nak stadi mula daripada 1st day of the cycle. Takmo jadi cam anest lagik yang 2 hari sebelum exam baru baca. Bagai nak gile rasanya haha. Maka nasihatku kepada semua yang terbaca entri ni, sila jangan stadi last minute demi kemaslahatan ummat sejagat katanya :)

Dan entry ni juga dikhususkan buat 3 dear GUBU members

1) AMOUN @ UK yang telah selamat kembali dari Itali~~ Hello IHAB welcome home~~ miss u :)

2) WAN @ LILLE yang telah selamat tiba di simferopol .. enjoy ur holiday n take care ok~~ dan NAD n MIIRUL sila jaga wan elok2

3) DAYANGKU YASMIN @ PRESTON yang masih tak balik balik dari egypt. Ape cerita ok? Kirimkan khabar ok.. jgn membuatkan kami ternanti2 hehe

Maka taktau nak letak gambar ape. Terus letak gambar game maple lagik haha. Aku dah dapat skill baru iaitu cold ice beam. Dia membekukan monster 2 saat kot. Sangat kewl~~

Masih mengantuk lambang tak cukup tido,

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makhluk ni mengalami central dan peripheral cyanosis (kebiruan) lantaran terkena ice beam aku haha

| baez-kun at 9:46 PM

Monday, April 17, 2006

Hata's review : Maple Story

I heard about this Maple Story when I was in Egypt but I took no serious notice about it. I saw Hazri playing with the online game back in Egypt, but I was not paying attention in any ways. I saw him killing the monsters in the online game but I didnt have the slightest intention to get involved with the game.

Time tells everything and I fell for this game eventually. I couldnt stop but continued playing with this game for hours. Haha. Once you step into this maple world, get ready to wave adieu to your other hobbies. And if you are all set then, please proceed to the next paragraph.

Maple World is a beautiful globe, where humans and monsters synergistically live together. I meant it. Really beautiful. Principally, Maple world consists of 3 major islands: Maple Island, Victoria Island and Ossyria plus Lubidrium ?. Beginners can decide to choose one of these four available jobs when he gets into the 10th level : Magician, Archer, Warrior and Thief. The 2nd job advancement is available once you get into a higher level (level 30) and the third job advancement will be available in level 70. Each character has its own unique skills, magician for example has magic claw, magic bolt, magic shield etc and once you attain the 2nd job title, you will be more powerful for instance, Ive chosen to be a lightning and ice wizard, meaning that I have the cold ice beam and the lightning strike skills plus an MP eater, meditation, teleportation etc.

Interactive and fun. You can meet any other users all around the globe in the maple world and you can team up or party up with them to get a higher experience (it's counted in EXP points, and there's certain amount of exp points that should be obtained to get into another level i.e. leveling up). 5 major cities stand proudly in Victoria Island. We have Ellinia, an LOTR-like rainforest, a city for magicians. Kernig city, a modern but highly polluted city is for thieves. As the name implies, we have hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, saloon and even subways. Next,up in the north, one can have the pleasure loitering around the red Indians community, the Perion. This is the village for the warriors, a village where you can find rocky mountains and waterfalls. As for the Archers, one should head to Henesys, a cute and peaceful little town where you can find mushroom-shaped houses everywhere. And lastly theres Sleepywood, located deep in the dungeon where one may encounter powerful monsters. Be sure that you have enough power to bring them down before thinking of Sleepywood.

Each character possesses special abilities and its expanded by your clothing and your weapon. A magician for example should be having robes, magician shoes (+ speed), magician hat, glove and a wand. There're also some sorts of accessories (earrings, rings, etc) and Nadbinti is always looking up for these things. One should equip appropriate items according to their levels and it can be bought by providing mesos (the cash used in Maple World) to one of the cashiers and it can be obtained by killing monsters. Potions are crucial to maintain your magical (mana) and health power.

The monsters are really kewl btw, cute and vary in their defensive and attack powers. A small mushroom for example, will revolutionize into a bigger orange-cap mushroom. A bigger and more aggressive blue cap mushroom will be harder to defeat, followed by small but great green cap mushrooms. There're also small horny blue cap mushrooms which act aggressively and lastly we have the zombie mushrooms with dead charms stamped on their heads. We also have here slime bubbles, pigs, monkeys, crabs, stumps etc. And by the way, be prepared once you get into Ossyria because the monsters are much more powerful and I havent got the guts to enter the island. Sigh~~

Im currently training my second character (irbidmage), a level-30 ice and lightning wizard to be even more powerful, after giving up my first character (hata05, also a level-30 ice and lightning wizard). Try this maple online game and there will be no regret and no turning back. Da~~

Love with diminished ability to teleport freely,

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perion~~ i love perion personally

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Florina Beach, a pic with the pendayung sampan

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Kernig City Bar, Nad persuaded me to get into this bar

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Trying to kill nadbinti during the sunset in kernig city

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heneyses, cute little town

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my home sweet home, ellinia

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wanna go to ossyria? board the flight via this platform

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the one and only hotel in sleepywood, we have the regular and vip sauna

| baez-kun at 9:57 PM

Friday, April 14, 2006

Long Time No Update

Salam and greetings

Well, It's been a long time since I last wrote! Sorry for taking so long to put pen to paper and write but some tasks simply take longer than I expected and then I found myself with no time for journal writing. What I've Been Up To? I haven't blogged for a week. Here's a quick summary of what I've been up to.

1) The debat competition was ok. The Grande finale will be held on the 5th of May in the Al Farabee Hall, Yarmouk University. FYI I've got one clinical exam on the 4th.. sigh~~. The opponents will be Acap, Hazim and Munir and they fairly won the game after captivating the juries with their feats.

2) Anesthesia cycle. Relaxing, I can say that. One seminar plus a 3-hr rounds every day summarizes it up. I'll be presenting a seminar on post-operative care next Monday, along with Maisa.

3) Maple online game. Yeah the binding spell of this game fixed my eyes on the screen for hours. I'm progressing well by the way and I'm no longer a magician, but a lightning and ice wizard after passing the magician second job advancement test. The irbidmage character looked kewl anyway with his new magician hat plus a new white magic shoe and a pair of lightning earrings. ~~ kewl~~

4) S.T.U.D.Y.I.N.G ~ I have to prepare for my 11-subject final papers, starting from mid May till June. Sigh~~

On a completely different story, Dayangku Yasmin of Preston is currently enjoying her 9-day holiday in Egypt. Been to Egypt last year and I do feel affection for Egypt personally, with its vibrant history and myths in addition to the magnificent architecture of the ancient Egyptians. Bonjour and I wish u a lovely holiday. Do take care of yourself and Ill be missing the anbu-style pic on your YM~~

On the other hand, the 1st year batch will be having their histology paper tomorrow, and if you guys are reading this (I doubt), I wish you guys the very best of luck.. and I almost forgot, the same goes to my dearest pal Khalikok, do well in your upcoming professional exam buddy~~

Yeah guys, I'll be bloghopping from one place to another this night~~

Love and hatred,

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the picturesque beauty of wadi rum as the sun sets down

| baez-kun at 12:14 PM

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Warm greetings to anesthesia

Salam and greetings

Another cycle ~ done ~ farewell to radiology and greetings to anesthesia. For the next two weeks, i'll be living in the Operation Theatre ground. Seminars will be held in one of the seminar rooms in the OTs ground. BTW, I didnt do well in the radiology clinical exam, as expected. Well, unlike Professor Trelawney of Hogwarts, I didnt have the inner eye, I couldnt construe the findings, I couldnt observe the special arrangement of the tea leaves, and furthermore, one of my colleagues admitted that she saw the GRIM sign in my tea cup (it looked more like a cat if you ask me) and consequently I couldnt answer well. Sigh~~ I will conjure up a powerful memory enhancement spell next time.

Boarded the in-campus bus, and went instantly to exhibition ~ the last memorable day. Aizat was the only guy who stood up in the crowd, explaining those handicrafts, food, traditional costumes et cetera to them. I waved him goodbye after like 30 min sitting on the bench, enjoying some sort of traditional cake ( kek pisang kot). Still depressed, I hang out in the Lebnani Snack Restaurant a brand-new bistro here in Irbid. Ordered myself one meal of beef steak with mushroom and one glass of fruit drinking with ice cream. OMG, 3.50 JOD for that? Haha.. anyhow I took pleasure in eating the meal up. In spite of everything , it wat the best beef steak Ive ever had.

What did I do during the weekends? These three magic words summarized it up : Slumber, Siesta and Sleep. Hohoyeah! It seemed that the end-of-rotation exam disrupted the physiological balance in my body, thus the compensatory mechanism of my body was automatically activated in order to regain the optimum health index. The rest of the weekend was filled with uneventful events i.e. tidying up my disorganized room + hanging around the Victoria Island in Maple Online. Yet, I enjoyed this pleasing weekend, a weekend without notes and books.

Love and fully recharged,

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the menu

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the restaurant

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theah the steak

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the ice cream-fruit thingy

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mouth-watering apricot cake

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in the ant tunnel, got myself cursed by the little ghost, i couldnt jump and the magic spell power was reduced. I hate that little thing (maple online)

| baez-kun at 9:25 PM

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Answering kak min's request... (new update)


Its time for a change I suppose. Yeah Mando and Nadbinti for instance had updated their blogskin with cool new layouts. Amoun had again stated his firm stand regarding this bloghopping and blog updating issues. Dayang had purchased a new PC fuse. Toriq had officially progressed well with the opening of his new orange-colored naruto blog. Ijat was currently exploring the features of his new webcam but I'm still walking alone along the old track (not counting in khalikok with his 1 month old entry haha), and I feel that I have to move on to a better stratum but when? Time will tell. Hahah

Straight to the point: I will be having my Radiology Exam on Thursday. To be honest, I couldnt imagine myself being a radiologist. FYI Im quite inexperienced in differentiating those pathological lesions of the chest, brain, and everything turned out to be hazy and blurry. Vascular markings? Opacities? Sigh~~ Roughly, I have to cover all ten main topics and naturally I'm still on my way to master the first chapter hahaha, the very basic principles of radiology.

Btw, the alluring JUST cultural exhibition is now on. It went off smoothly and I enjoyed the opening day of the exhibition before a heartbreaking incident took place. Well, I was chatting cheerfully with my Jordanian colleagues (cycle-mate) and we were kinda hanging around the show room when I suddenly realized that I was no longer holding my digital camera on. Jammed and packed with people, there was little effort, well, I could do. It wasnt the price, but the sentimental value of the digicam itself - shattered my heart into zillion pieces. Frustrated, I went home early and had a 3-hour nap.

Well, Ill not be updating my blog till this entire radio clinical exam is over. (2 more days) so wish me luck hehe..

p/s: No cultural exhibition pics are available. Sorry

love and off to study bed,


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bufday celebration kat pizza hut (dek im and halfi).. thanks for inviting me over

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ice cream, snickers flavor with fruits toppings

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another ice cream pic. see the big mirror.. yeah that's a mirror image..

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it's spring isnt it? let the flowers blossom up

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cropped from ijat's new webcam, haha

| baez-kun at 11:04 PM

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Well, I've been tagged actually by Darwish, one of my Jordanian colleagues here in JUST to try these blogthings thingy and here it goes :

Your Blogging Type is Commanding and Larger Than Life

In blogging circles, you tend to rise to the top with your take charge personality.
You are driven to solve problems, connect bloggers, and be an influential force.
You are also motivated to keep your blog fresh and high quality.
Your hard work has paid off - you set a high standard for other bloggers to aspire to.

Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is a firestorm - full of intensity and drama.
Your thoughts may seem scattered to you most of the time...
But they often seem strong and passionate to those around you.
You are a natural influencer. The thoughts you share are very powerful and persuading.

You Are 64% Open Minded

You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.

So let's see.. I would like to tag my fellow gubu buddies plus MANDO IJAT HALFI NUEK and ACAP.. Relax and give em a try

| baez-kun at 4:25 PM

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A bedtime story

I am a little bit depressed. A small bottle of non selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (NSSRI) drugs rested still on my table. Yeah, a good friend of mine pretended to be like an empty coke bottle, still and immobile. Buzzing like a bee and hissing like a snake I was but sigh~~~. Haha. Its 0234 am. Lemme tell u guys a story. A bed time story.

Recently, there were several unlawful incidents took place here in Irbid. Yeah some burglars broke into our houses (Malaysians who reside in irbid). FYI, cash and mobile phones are among the most favorite things to be burgled. There was a case involving one Malaysian guy 4 days ago. Just then, the night was still young (2330 hrs) and he walked alone back to his house when all of a sudden three strangers armed with knives jumped out of the bushes nearby. He was stabbed on the biceps brachii muscles (if Im not much mistaken) as well as losing some cash and mobile phone, but luckily the wound was not that deep. If I were him, I might still be having the post-incident trauma. Moreover, one Saudi guy was stabbed to death a few days ago for some unknown reasons.

This unpleasant incident was the ultimate pinnacle and hence the students society (PERMAI) announced some protective rules and regulations (feeling hogwarts boley). Obeying this order was not as easy as it's seen; I can say that, for instance, we ought to be in our houses no later than 9 pm. They will not be holding the responsibilities if the rules are broken intentionally. Me? Baru balik from the University Street, at 12. Haha not alone laa but along with mando. (fixing his mobile phone up + enjoying ice cream treat) The hustle and bustle of University Street will keep those burglars away anyway.

On the other hand, some interesting events will take place next week. To begin with, Malaysian crowd will chip in the cultural exhibition (kat JUST) along with other foreign countries. I've given my words to my arab colleagues (jadi their tourist guide kat Malaysian corner ). Next the debat ala parlimen competition will be held as well. Hoho .Tak sabar ok (teringat nadbintik during her debat competition kat TKC)

Ok, the sun has gone to bed and so must I

Au Revoir
Sweet Dreams
Phir bi Dil Hai Hindustani
Spakanoi Na Nochi
Ahlal Ahlam

Love with a painful smile

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acap sgt schweettt ahaha memberi gambar ni (MMS ) sebagai memujuk aku masa tu merajuk ngan dia tak ajak makan ok sila sedarin

| baez-kun at 2:54 AM


cantik menarik tertarik kau mmg da bomb




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