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Charmed forever

That's what Faiz thinks of his recently reinstated blog. At the age of 23, he believes that writing is the most efficient way to express the feelings crammed inside one's heart. After the fall of his blog dominion recently, he stoutly gets up on his feet, casting a powerful spell onto his blog and here it is, a charmed blog, reincarnated from the past, brought to the present and forever lasts in the future.

Being a final year medical student himself, he can never deny the frenzied life he's currently living on but life goes on and that's it. Apart from his hectic life, he always finds the time to go on with his hobbies, netsurfing and chatting being the most prominent ones. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends, for he knows that no one can tear the beautiful friendship apart.

He can always be contacted via email or thru his new mobile number +962776052892

p/s: only 8 most recent posts are displayed at a time but you can easily view his previous posts by clicking on the links in Faiz's Library column below


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May 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007


Friday, August 25, 2006

Just Like Heaven : REEDITED

Am rite now nannesing for the Just Like Heaven movie was so touching and I was truly moved. Simply speaking, the story was all about an anti-social hardworking female doctor, Lizzie, who went through an accident, and she was then thrown in a persistent deep coma but her spirit kept lingering around, I can say magically. But somehow, she didn't notice that she existed with the form of a spirit and this was where the real story began. David, a hottie who accidentally rented her former apartment was the only one who was kinda connected with her spirit and believed that she was not dead, yet.

Two major problems emerged as Lizzie didn't really know who she was and as soon as she knew, the life-supporting machine was about to be taken off her body. I shrieked and put my right hand on my mouth when it nearly came to the end. Here, the life-supporting machine was unintentionally detached from her body but the magical part was so good too. David did the CPR and his sincere feeling upon touching her magically brought her spirit and body together as one. Alas, she knew not David after regaining her consciousness, and that's a sad part. But hey, a movie is but a sad ending rite. That's a rule of thumb to be a great producer. I clapped my hand thrice as it ended that well, just like heaven.

On a different story line, my appetite is recently growing just like the troll's and just now, I ordered myself one small-sized pizza from the pizza hut nearby, eating em up alone in my room (matila kedekut). Earlier this evening, I consumed a large plate of nasi ayam bakar tomato and sup susu. The starting-clinical-rounds-in two-days-time stress is found guilty! Nevertheless, I always praise my body's metabolism as it does a very good job in keeping myself fit muahaha. Good job buddy~

Hata's big secret? Click here to be directly teleported to the new page, revealing hata's big secret

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lilo's right hand on the box, and she wanted to have some

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the box

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yummy and my tummy

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sha la la la la

That's all folks~~

missing and being missed,

| baez-kun at 1:51 AM

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cantik menarik tertarik kau mmg da bomb




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